Noah and Jackie discover what’s beneath the sand: dirt. Claremont, CA
Author: crdahlberg
Parting the Water
Levi attempts to part the water… Claremont, CA
Possum Spy
Possums only pretend to be dull-witted. Being spied upon at the children’s playground. Claremont, CA
Tire Tread Fault Line
Tire tread fault line. Crystal Cove, CA
“Didn’t you read the memo? Everyone turns THIS way for the portrait!” Crystal Cove, CA
“Don’t need no stinkin’ bridge, thanks!” Crystal Cove, CA
Lonely Umbrella
Lonely umbrella. Crystal Cove, CA
Dividing the Sand
A stream splits the sand. Crystal Cove, CA
Seagull Sentry
Seagull sentry. Crystal Cove, CA
Weathering Beach Rock
Weathering beach rock. Crystal Cove, CA