There’s just one word that describes the latest communications methodology: stunning.
This new advance offers a social media platform that is transformative, without depending upon any underlying technology. Breathtaking, really.
Two blocks down from author Jen Hatmaker’s residence in Buda, Texas, the Buda Soda Fountain is not where you would expect to find this awesome technology. Yet there it is, operating from this humble business since long before the creation of Apple and Microsoft. But there is no Internet data to purchase, no setup charge, and never a need to call tech support.
Amazingly, there are no devices—of any kind—needed to get this system to work. No laptop, no smartphone, no Wi-Fi.
To give this system a thorough test, Jackie and grandson, Linus, sat down together with this amazing invisible technology at the Buda Soda Fountain. Prior to the test, the TSA searched them for any hidden technology designed to cheat this experiment.
To my consternation, the experiment worked brilliantly! Yes, you heard me correctly; I witnessed it! There they were, communicating with each other without any apparent technology!
First, using his mouth, Linus would speak directly to Jackie—in perfectly intelligible words. She would listen, and then, apparently understanding what he said, she would utter her response back to him—in real time! They continued this interaction repeatedly, over and over and over again, and—I repeat—it worked without a glitch or hiccup, using no visible electronic equipment!
In addition to communicating words, this killer technology offers amazing color rendition. It blew away Apple’s cutting edge Super Retina screen display technology. Check out the vibrant shade of bluish-green. Simply unreal! Again, no visible technology was employed! This is real-time communication using real-world rays of light!
Apparently, the eventual goal is to bring this awesome real-as-life technology to other universally-accessible soda shops, dining tables or living rooms that are available to both you and me. Amazing!
It’s a right-on-time, not-available-at-your-local-store technology that could radically change our world.