The slogan on these martial arts studio t-shirts declares, “Touch Me and Your First Lesson Is Free.”
We’re cautioned against inappropriate behavior. We’re reminded that the consequences of misbehavior could be costly.
Society is noticing. Unwelcome, patronizing physical contact is not acceptable.
They ought to make a movie about it, or pass another law against it. Unfortunately, some of the movie makers and law makers are themselves flawed.
There are truly outrageous transgressors out there.
Just when I get ready to cast the first stone against these offenders, I am apprehended.
Because if we widen the lens, we can all think of things of which we ourselves are guilty. Foolish things. Inappropriate things. Things having bad unanticipated consequences.
Maybe we were young and insecure and wanted attention. Maybe we were cocky, arrogant, and purposefully crossed lines, and knew better.
For whatever reason, we let ourselves go there, we are ashamed, and we ought to be.
There is a sort of underlying, guiding truth.
No matter what the offense, those of us who recognize the depth of our transgression and repent, get to start over.
Those who don’t, endlessly circle and snarl.