It’s hard to miss the message that is being sent.
From the leather crown on the head to the toe of the boot, that dude is a cowboy.
Did he actually play a guitar while riding the range? That’s hard to imagine. Probably not.
At least until Gene Autry, the singingest, stummingest cowboy, came along. After that, hats, boots and guitars defined our thinking about cowboys.
Hat and boots and guitar = cool, singing cowboy.
So what’s that called? The thing we are (the hat and boots), plus the thing that we want to become (guitar-stumming coolness) ?
It’s aspiration. Aspiration is the thing we want to become–the thing we most want to be known for, our greatest achievement.
Our aspirations can be our loudest message.
As in: She wants to be a millionaire by the time she is 35.
As in: He is fighting his way to the White House.
As in: She is the most generous person I know.
As in: He is the best friend a person could ever have.