Fallen mosquito hawk,
Brave you were,
Bent upon your mission
To fulfill your full two-day lifespan:
You hoped to mate and then to die.
Today you fulfilled only the latter half of your purpose
When you crash-dived into a standing bowl of water
In the kitchen sink.
How unforgivable of me!
Had I noticed, I would have plucked you free
And laid you upon my pillow for your hoped-for restoration
Blow-drying your wings within a hair of toasting your fairy-like body.
Instead, I processed your fragile body down the garbage disposal.
In death, you join your brother mosquito hawk,
Who just yesterday became entangled in my freshly washed hair.
Unintentionally dismembered,
His disassembled body parts circled down my shower drain.
I like you guys because you are slow enough to catch.
You tickle my loosely cupped hands.
On a better day, I will snatch and rescue your nephews and nieces
When they stray into my house,
And I will remember you.