For seven of eight days in December, it rained every day in Morro Bay – not the sort of weather to be caught in. A person would surely not go camping in this weather – unless said person had planned a camping trip for months in advance, arranged time off work, and reserved tickets for the evening Hearst Castle tour.
In that case, such a person would obviously switch from lodging at a campground to a cheap motel – but not us. Instead, we made the best of our eight days of camping.
Here’s the countdown:
- 8 nights in the camper
- 7 days visiting the Black Horse Espresso and Bakery in San Luis Obispo
- 6 the number of those who played Chickenfoot dominoes in the camper
- 5 the number of the Hearst Castle evening tour we enjoyed
- 4 the number of our kids and their spouses who joined us for several days
- 3 movies at actual theaters (not Netflix!)
- 2 breakfast meals we enjoyed at The Coffee Pot in Morro Bay
– and –
- 1 sunny day (pictured)