I regularly walk by this couple, who are interminably celebrating dance together. Statues create a moment – feelings, emotions, activities that the sculptor suspends in time. Daily these two appear to enjoy their frozen, sculpted moment.
One day, the sculpture changed. A passer-by aficionado evidently believed that even statuaries have feelings. So to cover the nakedness of one of the dancers, a belt was draped around the figure in just the right place. Now, tastefully, the figure can dance endlessly, ashamed no longer.
How proper! How polite!
However, this act of kindness created an inequity. Now the dancer’s partner alone will have to dance on, immodest and unclothed. It will be the subject of staring eyes, while its partner no longer needs to dance, and cringe, unclothed, before the world’s eye.
The wanton act of injustice ruffles my ethical feathers.
I have only one choice; as I pass by, during cover of fall-lengthening night darkness, I’ll bring another belt.